
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Proud to have been at Pride!

Danielle made it out to help me with our table!
The Pride Parade and Carnival has come and gone, and it was a lot of fun (and a lot of stress). Danielle made a last minute trip up from W.V. to give me a hand with the event, and all the other little things that go with vending.

We were blessed to be a part of this amazing event to promote awareness in the community, and promote equality and tolerance.  And for the first year EVER there was not one protestor! AMAZING! Not one person was out to yell profane things or hold hateful signs to hassle the participants.

Customer taking a look while we were still getting set up.
However, we weren't prepared for the beautiful weather that day. Sunny and 85 without a sun canopy for 7 hours meant our next stop was to the store for aloe vera gel! It was a bit hot and a bit bright, but not as beautiful as seeing all the couples walking around freely and enjoying themselves.

We had customers from all walks of life, and all shapes, sizes, and types. Sometimes eye blinding (there were several people that had put on every color of garment they owned and then some) it was so much fun to see how each individual expressed themselves in their clothing, accessories, and demeanor.

We were up until 2:30am the night before finishing products.

Thank you so much Toledo Pride for allowing us to be a part of the event. Without them creating a custom opportunity for us, we wouldn't have had the means to set up our small booth and share our products with everyone at the Carnival. You can still purchase a pride item through September 3rd and a portion of the purchase will be donated to Toledo Pride. Also, for those that asked for Rainbow Dreads, visit our sister company Dreadful Hair Creations to order a set and check prices!

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