
Friday, August 5, 2011

A Dark Venue, and Being Seen (the joys of vending).

The Table, with half our stuff!
Oh the joys of vending! For those of you that have never packed up mounds of products, supplies, and other pieces of a small business let me tell you it's a lot of work, but a lot of fun! What is so hard about it? Well... a bit of everything! Booking a venue takes a lot of foot work. You have to contact people, they contact people, people contact you, you fill stuff out, you beg, they disagree, you pull your hair out. It's a process. But eventually you have a booking to tote your lot to their establishment and offer your wares to a live crowd. Then you pack, and pack, and pack, and pack, and tote your stuff, and usually some extra people out to your temporary shop.

Our lovely model Erica showing off the wares!
That is what we did this weekend!

We were blessed to be invited to a local night club ( for a special event that they held. We would like to personally thank all of the staff of Bretz, as well as the lovely folks that put out the Dystopia venue every Sunday ( for allowing us to bring our shenanigans to their patrons.

And of course, thank you to all the customers that were kind enough to stop buy and check us out! We couldn't do this without you folks!

We would also like to thank Dreadful Hair Creations ( for the lovely hand made dread falls our model is wearing! They are a fantastic company, with fantastic products. We were proud to offer a selection of their items to our customers!

We had an absolute blast! We only spent... oh... 13 hours in all packing and unpacking, setting up, selling, packing and unpacking again. But it was completely worth it to see people get excited about what we do!

Another special thanks to my 'extra crew' Erica and Matt for helping Danielle and I get everything set up and torn down. Without you we would have forgotten to eat!

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