
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We are sponsoring the Toledo Pride Parade!

Image compliments of Toledo Pride.
Here at Serenity in Chains we believe that all people should be treated equally, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Too often people that don't identify as "straight" are looked down upon, and discriminated against. This is wrong.

We believe the gender of your preferred partner should not exclude you from the basic human rights that 'everyone else' enjoys. The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Community shouldn't have to be concerned that a potential employer wont hire them because of their personal beliefs and relationships, or shouldn't be able to get married simply because they love someone of the same gender.

All of us at Serenity in Chains understand this is controversial territory. We know not everyone thinks this way, but we hope that someday it will no longer be a contention.

To that effect we approached Toledo Pride some months ago with an exciting idea. We wanted to be a part of the efforts to stop discrimination and promote tolerance in our community and around the world. The great folks over at Toledo Pride were kind enough to help us create a custom opportunity that was attainable by our small business.

Through August 27th, we will be donating a portion of our proceeds from our Pride line of jewelry to Toledo Pride to help them fund the yearly awareness Parade, and other LGBT community events. We will also be vending at the Community Connection Carnival in Promenade Park on August 27th, where the parade will terminate.

We would like to invite you to be a part of this amazing, and fun event (seriously, who doesn't love a good drag queen show?). For more information about the Pride Parade 2011 please visit

We are updating our inventory on our Facebook often, and not all of our Pride items are in our Etsy store. If you would like to purchase directly from our Facebook Page click here for how to do so!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing opportunity for both your company, and raising awareness! You are totally right-equality is such an important matter when it comes to society. Not one person is better or less then another, and that should be everyone's mindset! Unfortunately, too often, it's not, and innocent, good people have to suffer for everyone else's ignorance. Bravo to you guys for raising awareness :)
